Tuesday, August 28, 2012

BMCC RAW to Cineform RAW

EDIT: useful links

One of the hot topics in BMCuser forum is the Cineform Conversion and particularly the raw dng to Cineform raw possibility. As Cineform can convert dpx files to cineform raw files (with dpx2cf command line utility), this could be one way to deal with large file sizes that working with raw files tends to bring upon.

NOTE: Older Cineform versions don't seem to support dng conversion, you need release from at least april/may of 2012! Otherwise you get the "DPX file not found" error.

DNG sequence to Cineform RAW file

Converting dng sequence to cineform is pretty easy. Use dpx2cf tool with, for example, following command:

dpx2cf.exe Frame*.dng shot1_cf.avi -q5

This reads all dng files from shown source (* marks frame numbers) and converts it into cineform file. Additional settings like frame rate etc can be set, see settings by simply running the program in command prompt.

EDIT: there was a typo in command example, there should not have been a " mark after shot1_cf.avi.

Cineform RAW looks green?

After conversion it is immediately apparent that something is wrong. Image looks very green and strange. This is because Cinefrom converter does not apply any correction on the image and we see pure raw (debayered ofcourse) image. As sensors are usually more sensitive to green light, image looks green.

Raw processing software (like Lightroom or Camera Raw) applies camera calibration correction before showing the image to user and so we don't really know what the sensor actually sees. Because dng and other raw formats contain these profiles in their metadata, raw conversion software usually knows how to perform this correction. Cineform converter on the other hand does not use this info, puts raw sensor values straight into the file and also shows us these values without correction.

Reading DNG metadata

To obtain metadata from dng file, we need some software that can extract that info from the file header. For example a handy set of tools called EXIFUtils. With this tool we can extract all the interesting metadata that BMCC dng files have to offer.

For example:

  image-type                    : Main
  main-width                    : 2432
  main-len                      : 1366
  main-bits-sam                 : 12
  main-comp                     : None
  photo-int                     : Color Filter Array (CFA)
  strip-off                     : 9856
  orient                        : Upper Left
  sample-pix                    : 1
  row-strip                     : 1366
  strip-cnt                     : 4983168
  planar-conf                   : Chunky
  cfa-rpt-pat-dim               : 2 2
  cfa-rpt-pattern               : 01000201
  tag-9216                      : 00000001
  dng-version                   : 01020000
  dng-model                     : Blackmagic Cinema Camera
  dng-lin-table                 : 54 55 55 56 57 58 59 59 60 61 62 63 63 64 65
                                  66 66 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 73 74 74 75 76 77
                                  78 78 79 80 81 81 82 83 84 85 85 86 87 88 89
                                  89 90 91 92 93 93 94 95 96 96 97 98 99 100
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  dng-bl-lvl-dim                : 1 1
  dng-bl-level                  : 256
  dng-wh-level                  : 60074
  dng-def-crop-origin           : 16 8
  dng-def-crop-size             : 2400 1350
  dng-color-matrix-1            : 1.31 -0.50 0.01 -0.42 1.44 0.05 0.07 0.22 0.
  dng-color-matrix-2            : 1.01 -0.27 -0.08 -0.49 1.34 0.11 -0.06 0.33
  dng-camera-calib-1            : 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
  dng-camera-calib-2            : 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
  dng-as-shot-neutral           : 0.63 1.00 0.79
  dng-base-exp                  : 2.40
  dng-calib-illum-1             : 17
  dng-calib-illum-2             : 21
  tag-c763                      : 0859011400000000
  tag-c764                      : 24.00

We get a lot of info about file size, black levels, crops etc. And some color matrices.

DNG color matrix

These color matrices are for transforming between sensor values and XYZ values. When I first tried applying the matrix, image still looked strange and green until I got that these matrices are meant for converting from XYZ to sensor values. To get sensor->XYZ conversion, we need an inverted matrix!

Inverted matrix for conversion sensor values -> XYZ:
0.863 0.305 -0.033
0.257 0.793 -0.058
-0.16 -0.268 1.39

After applying this matrix, image still looks a bit strange, that's because we still need to apply XYZ -> sRGB transform to properly view it on computer or broadcast monitor.

Matrix for conversion from CIE-XYZ to Linear D65 sRGB:
3.24081 -1.53731 -0.498587
-0.969243 1.87597 0.0415551
0.0556384 -0.204007 1.05713

After these conversions we get the nice linear image in sRGB space that we can grade.

Sample images (with sRGB gamma applied for viewing purposes!)

These samples are images after conversion to sRGB and gamma transform. It is obvious that they have some differences compared to the way Resolve or Lightroom present the dng-s. Values seem to be more evenly distributed and image is somewhat flatter. There also is some green cast in first shots. This is because no G/M tint correction has been applied yet.

Cineform debayer algorithms

Following are samples from shot 1 with different debayer settings left-right, top-bottom:

Bilinear demosaic
Matrix 5x5 adaptive
CF Advanced smooth
CF Advanced detail 1
CF Advanced detail 2
CF Advanced detail 3


  1. Awesome! Let us know over at bmcuser when you figure out a one step solution for converting with these settings.

    One thing though. They seem to have a gamma curve applied.. a flatter image would be better.

  2. Hi there, I'm very impressed by your work, I would love to know what matrice do you consider being the sensor (dng-color-matrix-1 or dng-color-matrix-2)? also, what software did you use to subtract the XYZ and then add the sRGB? I would love to know how to do that, with slog3 instead. what do you advice me to read in order to understand matrices. Thanks a lot for your precious answer.

  3. I there, I would love to know how to convert from one colorspace/curve to an other, like: sensor/protune->XYZ/gamma2.8->S-gamut3/Slog3. The problem is I don't know anything about matrices, how to add them or invert them as you did. many questions comes to me, did you use a software to convert matrices? could you show us in details the maths behind it please? Thanks a lot for your answer.
